While attempting to improve gas mileage on the ‘Human Highway’ by at least 500 per cent I bet Neil was thinking, for ‘Peace of Mind’ there ‘Comes a Time’ when a man should be ‘Goin’ Back’ to see if there’s a ‘Field of Opportunity’ to create a ‘Big Green Country’ for my ‘Motorcycle Mama’ and I by converting one of my clunkers into something better.
I give Neil top marks for his intentions and givin’ it a good try. The acceleration in his (near) 50 year-old Lincoln was incredible, he’s still alive after a near-miss on an approach ramp and one day he might get 100 miles per gallon.
But I question the use of a classic car the size of a city block.
Geez, Neil. Got anything smaller that would send a better message?
I agree, spiffing up the old Lincoln might make battery-operated cars more mainstream but wouldn’t a sleek Fiat Spider do the same thing, save a lot of batteries and double your mileage at the same time?
But maybe that’s just me.

Click here to see the sexy Spider in context
More 'Pros and Cons' anyone?
[And: Green is mean? Click here for a few thoughts]
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