It spans a tiny stream which is almost obscured from view by tall grass growing in the shallow water.
After standing atop the bridge for a few minutes listening to the breeze pass through the grass and watching small birds dart here and there I realized purposeful activity was taking place beneath the bridge.
Do you know the name of this small bird?
I call it a mud swallow. Am I right?
Let me know.
Click here for a view of something else sailing in the breeze at Pt. Bruce.
I love the spirit of stopping along the way and capturing the quiet stories that everyone else would typically miss. Good journalism...and good life, too.
Wanted to let you know your caption suggestion for last week's Caption This entry took top prize. New entry is up...along with kudos for your most excellent submission. Thanks for playing along, and for continuing to share words and images that matter.
Thank you, carmi.
after I retired from teaching I started enjoying the journey more fully, with less thought to arriving at the destination as quickly as possible.
I am unable to travel even a short distance now without looking for a place or two to stop for photos or 'thinking time'.
Your stops on Dundas St. and another side street in Woodstock suggest your an old hand at this.
I think that's why someone invented the thermos.
gord h.
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