Grandson Ollie came into my office the other day (while I was strumming my guitar and singing Don’t Call Me Late For Supper, Mabelene - my latest hit single) and to make him feel more welcome I stopped what I was doing and set up a makeshift tent by throwing a blanket over two chairs.
Shortly thereafter my wife retrieved a nylon pop up tent from the hall closet, and presto, bammo - Ollie had his own sun tent in another room.
I didn’t mind that Ollie went for the ‘snazzy pop up’ over my ‘saggy, unfolded, home-grown’ model. Or that he disappeared to another room.
I minded that the pop up came from China and was one more cheap product we’ll store in the closet most of the year.
So I said something to my wife about “yet another purchase”. (After 38 years together you’d think I’d know when to hold ‘em, when to fold ‘em).
“He’s very fair-skinned. He’ll need it at the beach,” she said.
(After 38 years you’d think...)
I said, “We already have a beach umbrella blah blah, we could improvise blah blah.”
Then I shifted to the positive because after 38 years... it’s the thought that counts.
But I do grind my teeth at times.
Should I zip it? Is it just a ‘win some, lose some’ scenario?
I had to zip it today at the schoolgate. Sometimes you just have to. But I'm still confused.
I'm still learning 'when to hold, when to fold'.
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