All we need is one good idea - and some money.
Well, here’s the idea (it includes money).
Rather than directing money toward car manufacturers to help them recover, governments should direct money toward consumers, in the form of a rebate, to go toward a new, energy-efficient car.
Which car? I’d say, give people a choice of 5 - 6 hybrids, or zero-emission-no-noise electric cars that can be plugged into a regular electric outlet... like the Aptera (California), Zenn (Toronto) Honda Insight (Japan, but produced in North America) etc.

[Aptera: link to review]
If I was guaranteed 75 per cent of the purchase price I’d put my money the Aptera. Funky looking, aerodynamic to the max, 100 miles per gallon. What’s not to like?
Their business would grow, as would others like it. People could get back to work with some kind of peace of mind.
The Big Three would have to follow suit or wither on the assembly line. You never know, they might collaborate and come up with one good idea. And consumers would have the money if their entry qualified for the rebate list.
Educated consumers. Are you out there?
Would you buy the Aptera, Zenn or Insight if 75 per cent of the cost was returned?
Isn't today the day we hear about the Canadian Big 3's Plans?
I'm guessing the US's meeting was a fizzle because I don't recall hearing any outcome .....
For my lifestyle a small vehicle doesn't fit in. I am on the road with my tie-dyed stock 9-10 months out of the year.
I'd be all over a hybrid if it could go farther distances, be the size of a mini van and didn't have to be charged every 240 miles.
If you get a chance watch "Who Killed the Electric Car?".
It's a documentary that came out about 4-5 years ago.
It looks at the different industries that were against the electric car and why it went under.
I'm torn between wanting one of those cute Zenns (have loved them since seeing them on the Rick Mercer Report)and thinking that it is better for the environment overall to stick with used, small, high MPG vehicles like a Yaris. I'm more concerned about the environment than the economy anyway.
Now, if I were to be guaranteed 75% cash back on a new electric bike, you can sign me right up!
There actually was a federal fuel efficiency rebate (ecoAUTO, part of a broader ecoACTION program) but "somebody" cancelled it - ending with the 2008 model year.
If you bought a manual 2008 Corolla or Civic, for example (both built in Ontario), before the end of last year there's still time to apply for the $1000 rebate (or $2000 for even more fuel efficient vehicles).
Figuring out personal and societal transportation needs will be a challenge for some time.
I like the Aptera because it says "radical change is required."
For Theresa's sake I'll amend the rebate program to include electric bikes.
cheers all,
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