Though they’re nice and sturdy and hang securely on any clothesline I’m pretty sure I made a mistake with the colour.
Some birds have found the feeder but not in the numbers I’ve seen in the past.
My theory: The white paint can’t be seen from the air or nearby trees.
I’m going to repaint the roof or base on one of them and see what happens.
Maybe Montreal Canadien red will do the trick.
Good idea?
If you build it they will come.
Our bird feeders are all the natural wood with just a sealer.
Hi twinkelydots,
I should have gone 'all natural' as well. I even had linseed oil in my shop for an easy finish.
I got suckered into buying a fancy bird feeder at one of those bird feeding stores. I bought the fancy seed too. My birds ignored it, I moved it to 5 different places. Nothing, I would see them getting bird seed off the ground when the wind blew it out of the feeder.
Then one day I looked and it was half empmty. I was so excited not to have dumb birds. When I stepped forward to take a closer look, a family of mice were eating the bird seed.
I still have dumb birds, they will only eat the seat off a plate set on the ground. I'm going to sell the fancy one on Ebay.
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