The following email from Andrea proves fewer choices may be a good thing:
Dear Gord,
I originally am from Europe, Austria, and since December 08 I live in Canada. When I arrived here in London and went grocery shopping for the very first time I was amazed by the huge amount of choices that were offered... with pretty much everything and pretty much everywhere.
One of my first days here my fiancé Rick and I went grocery shopping and I wanted to buy some cereal. When I finally found aisle # 2 I was totally amazed.

“Wow, great! That is probably four times the choice as in Austrian supermarkets” I called out loud to Rick. (And that was before I had discovered that the whole aisle was nothing but cereal.) I was in cereal heaven!
After 15 minutes of pushing my cart through the aisle and flipping cereal boxes to read up the ingredients Rick started getting a bit impatient with me.
“How long can it actually take to choose a stupid cereal?” he asked snippy.
So, Fewer Choices Benefit 1: Companions won’t get snippy.
Andrea continues - stay tuned.
Think: Are there several benefits to fewer choices on store shelves?
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