While changing from street clothes to hockey gear yesterday I learned something new - most guys in the dressing room thought I was younger than I am.
“You’re about 50 years old, right?” I was asked.
“Close to sixty,” I said. (September and early CPP are fast approaching).
My mind and body then pulled a neat trick. Because I suddenly felt more youthful I received a shot of adrenalin. And it really kicked in at the halfway mark, with my team down 4 - 2.

I saw an open piece of ice, made eye contact with my winger as I went for it, picked up the puck after it was flipped over a defenseman and I was off to the races. Break away. Full speed ahead.
After the game (we won) the goalie said to me, “I fell for your shoulder fake and you went around me so fast.”
“I have a shoulder fake?” I said. “I’ve only got two moves. That one - and I forget the other one.”
Good laugh, good goal, good times.
What keeps you young at heart? Hockey wars? Gardening? Someone special?
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