By now you all know what prorogation means to a parliamentarian in Canada.
Correct. It’s when the Prime Minister recommends to the Governor General that he/she suspend parliament and the GG agrees, sends a curt message to everyone on Parliament Hill (e.g., “Leave the Hill!”).

["Ready... and off the Hill": photo link]
By now you all know what prorogation means to a typical Canadian.
Correct again. Twice in one year? What’s he thinking? Give me one good reason. Harper doesn’t have a good reason? Then what’s he up to?
By now you all know some of the impacts of prorogation, even though you can’t say the word three times in a row really fast.
That’s right. PM Harper will get to duck all questions in the House of Commons linked to the Afghanistan controversy, enjoy peace and quiet while stacking the Senate in his favor and watching the Olympics on his television, as well as kill his own government’s active agenda and numerous government bills, i.e., those things related to governing a country and earning his pay cheque at the same time.
But you may not know the names or contents of some of the bills about to die.
Please visit The Parallel Parliament by Liberal MP Glen Pearson from London, Ontario.
He presents a lengthy list of dead bills, among other things, e.g., his thoughts re two prorogations in one year under Prime Minister Harper.
Mr. Pearson and I have been good friends for about 30 years. He lives just around a corner. Perhaps I can arrange an interview with him.
Let me see. Where’s his number?
All that work, just gone :(
I look forward to reading about your chat with Mr Pearson.
Hi Jesse,
I'll call him early tomorrow morning. He's an early riser.
Happy New Year,
It seems that Stephen Harper has found a flaw in our system that he can exploit, and the only person who can stop him is Michael Jean. I guarantee that those conversations with the PM would turn out a bit differently if I was Governor General. So would the seal blubber eating incident, but I actually admire her for that.
Good comment, Lost Motorcyclist,
I admired the GG for eating blubber as well; I have no argument with sustainable hunts rooted in culture. (Factory farms for cattle - another matter).
PM Harper needs to face harder conversations. Go to it!
A local MP shared his opinions re prorogation here:
My next column will relate to a conversation between Mr. Pearson and I. Online Jan. 6th.
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