Not only was the postman dressed for spring-like temperatures but when I got home after coffee I felt I should cut the grass.
Then I thought, thanks to global warming and climate change I’ll likely have another opportunity this week to take care of the lawn. Today I should get my skates sharpened for afternoon hockey.
["Long enough to get out the mower": photo GAH, moment ago]
It’s so mild that if my hockey team played on an outdoor rink we’d be soon sweating into our socks.
I know some people feel that global warming is over and we’re headed for the next ice age but I think they’re dead wrong.
Though I haven’t seen the average global temperatures for 2008 posted yet by NASA I do know that in the last decade we’ve experienced many of the warmest years on record (since the late 1800s).
Is this going to be another one?
I’ll think about it while cutting the grass tomorrow.
I still want at least 18 inches of snow before Christmas to kill off the bugs.
Will I get it?
I haven't cut the grass since October and have not looked back. Partly in due to the fact that I took the battery out of the riding mower, filled it with stabilizer fluid and am too lazy to dig the battery out of the basement again. I figure it is good for the grass though. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Have fun cutting the grass tomorrow though!
one more time for me, katherine. the experience will bring closure!
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