The job: Get as much peanut butter off the bottom of the jar before rinsing it out for the blue box because every little bit counts toward getting proper PB coverage on my toast.
Four decades ago my wife purchased a full cutlery set but the butter knives are pointy and poorly designed for PB removal, in my opinion. (I could be mad).
["The one on the left is too pointy": photo GAH]
Now, about twenty years ago I found a discarded knife at a camp site and realized it was the right tool for some jobs.
It could be used immediately to add sugar to and stir a cup of camp coffee because of its rounded tip and wide blade.
It could be used later to remove a stubborn screw from a camp chair.
And it was perfect for cleaning off the bottom of a PB jar.
Though I’ve been reminded ever since it doesn’t match our cutlery set I refuse to get rid of it.
“It’s my PB knife,” I’ll say. “And it’s the perfect tool for many jobs.”
My wife will roll her eyes. Details. (We agree on a lot of other stuff).
As you can see from the photo, it did a darn good job again this morning and helped me get maximum coverage on my toast.
When I find an old spatula with a 1/2 or 3/4-inch-wide blade I’ll have it made in the shade.
Is there a better solution? I doubt it.
We too have a special peanut butter knife! It has a longer blade than handle, so that the peanut butter doesn't get on the handle when you are into the second half of the PB jar...
oh, I like that idea, Theresa. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a knife with a round tip and long blade.
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