My list was longer than in past years because one of my birdhouse models sold better than I imagined. As sales mounted, my list grew.
Though it felt good to shop with cash (my debit card never left my wallet), I felt better that I’d taken the time to compile a thorough to-do list. (Forget American Express. Don’t leave home without a list!)
Early this morning, almost immediately after I’d washed my face, patted down a poofy bit of hair I’d slept on and jumped into the clothes hanging from my bedpost, I left the house.
And while walking to The Red Roaster in Wortley Village, I felt confident I could be home by 3 o’clock with all duties scratched off my list. (Three o’clock ain’t bad for a last minute shopper like me).
While paying for coffee and toast I purchased a bag of my lovely wife’s favourite coffee.
Easy schmeasy, I thought. One item checked off the list.
Fifteen minutes later, while paying for plumbing supplies at Tuckey Hardware, I nabbed two Christmas treats for my wife.
Hope she’ll share, I said to myself as I stroked two more items off my list. ('Toilet fill valve, tasty treats.’ How Christmasy is that?)
["I love my list. Do you?": photo of GAH]
While connecting with the owner of a nearby gift shop about some of the birdhouses I have for sale there, I spotted another gift for my wife.
Three for three, I thought as the cashier wrapped and beribboned my purchase.
Soon thereafter I crossed the street and wound my way quickly through the grocery aisles at Valu-Mart. Apples, tea packets, cookies and other stocking stuffers soon filled my grocery cart, including a healthy supply of pecans at 99 cents per pound. (Bonus!)
The toes of our stockings will rattle this year. Don’t say a word.
After dropping off a few items from the workshop at neighbours’ houses I returned home for lunch. Only six items remained on my to-do list.
“I should be back earlier than I thought. See you by 2:30,” I said to my wife as I left the house.
The coffee line at Chapters slowed me down. Browsing for three books slowed me down more.
But while waiting in line to pay for the books and gift cards I didn’t panic. Four more items - check!
As I left the store I checked my watch and felt I could add an extra stop - and still be home close to the time I mentioned.
Mistake. Traffic congestion (The Olympic Torch relay was in town) and one long line up at my ‘extra stop’ (the LCBO; I felt I needed 8 more cans of Fuller’s ESB) killed at least 30 minutes. Ouch.
So, I wasn’t home by 2:30, but I definitely pulled in the driveway a few minutes before 3 o’clock with everything crossed off the list.
So, I say again - don’t leave home without it.
Did a list save you time and energy this year?
What? You’re still out shopping? (You poor thing).
Get home. Put your feet up. Sing a carol.
Happy Christmas, Gord!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, bobbie.
Gord H.
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