I mean, Sam and I are almost twins.
According to a recent newspaper article (Dec. 18, London Free Press), Sam was living in his car when Cameron met him.
Me, I can usually be found in my shed.
Sam was an unknown Australian actor.
I'm from Canada, but hardly anyone knows me. At least not Mr. Cameron.
["More four-plexes are underway": photo GAH]
Sam is carrying Cameron's "massively expensive science-fiction spectacular."
And coincidentally, that's the same kind of movie I want to carry. Offer me a documentary (e.g., "The Secret Lives of Short People") and I'll chase you off my porch.
Go "massively expensive" or go home - that's my motto.
The similarities between Sam and I don't end there.
When he was offered the Avatar role in 2007 he said "he needed a week to get his brakes fixed."
Me? I have three birdhouses to finish before Christmas.
But - and this to James. Can I call you James? - after Christmas I'm as free as a bird.
Have you seen Avatar? Thoughts?
Do you think I'm ready for the big time?
After seeing Avatar, I am truly shocked that Sam Worthington can walk! I'll have to look more closely the next time I go back to see how they faked his paralysed legs and the wheelchair stuff.
Maybe his legs are very short, like mine.
He was, after all, living in his car when discovered by Cameron. You can't be tall and still sleep well in most cars.
PS I read about a week's worth of your posts the other day. I must get back to comment on some of your insights. very interesting reading, in my opinion.
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