But, let’s move on.
She collects her weather information from news reports on two or three different TV stations per day, collates the material, then issues her findings - and 9 times out of 10 she’s bang on.
I head out to the front porch in my pajamas and slippers or onto the back deck in my cut-off rubber boots (with camera in hand) and sniff the air.
Not very scientific, but I feel pretty confident when I say that today feels some milder than yesterday and if it keeps up we’ll lose the wee bit of snow on the ground that arrived recently.
["Optional vests? What about helmets?": photos by GAH]
In conclusion: Still too slippery for motorcycling but safety vests are now considered optional.
If you have snow, drive carefully.
If you don’t have snow, you’re missing out on one of the great pleasures in life. But, that could just be me saying that.
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