The book is timely. Every world leader sitting down for climate change talks in Copenhagen should have a copy in their briefcase.
They could introduce their first meeting of the day with something from Ch. 10, entitled Conclusions: Climate by Negligence or Climate by Choice.
E.g., “We are at a historical turning point. There is now incontrovertible evidence that we are well on course to damaging the planet irreparably. It is difficult to comprehend the scale of devastation that we could bring down upon ourselves and future generations.

[Click here for more information about annual global temperatures]
“We do know, however, that climate will bring in its wake alarming conditions not witnessed for hundreds of thousands of years...”
World leaders could then open the floor to those who have seen first hand (and there would be many) changes to their local climates, who have seen examples of “excessive temperatures and heat waves making life increasingly stressful, more intense and frequent storms, a destructive rise in sea levels,” etc.
Now, for those who can’t afford to fly to Denmark to take part, just but a copy of the book or call your local library.
The Suicidal Planet, Mayer Hillman.
Will Copenhagen be a success?
Wait and see?
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