Very good book. (See Read This, right margin).
Makes a person think about their fossil fuel use, excessive carbon production and an alternative lifestyle. (I grew up in the 1960s, so I don’t mind thinking about changing my lifestyle, or hairstyle at the very least).

On page 205, the author asks, if not this, then what?
“Are there any alternative policy options to personal carbon allowances for reducing carbon emissions?”
In other words, if there isn’t a plan or system in place that expects us to live within our fossil fuel means and gradually reduce our high-energy-use lifestyle then what else would work to get corporations and individuals to use less fossil fuel?
The author goes on to say, “The usual policy instrument used to reduce consumption is price rises via taxation - and this is the key alternative to carbon allowance.”
As I read, my mind went to work.
Would I rather have an allowance to spend, i.e., be allowed to use a certain amount of fuel each year for my house and car and try to stay within my limit, or confront higher prices on fossil fuel related purchases (everything?) each and every day?
I suppose the end result would be the same thing, e.g., I’d try to reduce spending in order to save a bit of money for tough times ahead.
But what else does the writer say?
I’ll continue shortly, but right now I have to do two other important tasks.
One, plug a few leaks in my 70-year-old house with insulation before my second energy audit on Thursday.
If I get a better score than after my first audit I’ll get some money back for completing certain renovations.
Then (I hate to admit this), I need to continue work on eight more Muskoka-style birdhouses in order to have more on hand at an upcoming sale.
Yes, you’re right. I should have stayed out of my workshop yesterday.
Hey, it’s only eight more. I could have pushed for 12.
BTW. Does anyone know about dominating personality traits?
I think I’ve got a few tough ones to deal with on a regular basis.
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