I asked myself, why did they even buy the items?
For example:
For Sale - Duster, long handled, extendable, new, paid $20, for sale for $10
Maybe the shopper had the following thoughts:
“You know, I got home, thought of all the dusting I’d have to do, and decided the house didn’t look so bad.”

["Seriously? I'd have to do it myself?"]
For Sale - Ed Hardy T-shirts, new with tags. $60
“When I got home I remembered I had other T-shirts.”
For Sale - Electronic puzzle solver and games. New, $15
“Later in the day I got watching TV and realized I don’t like solving stuff.”
For Sale - Grey fur coat, brand new. $60
“I found four other coats when I went to hang it up in my closet.”
For Sale - Raised seat for toilet, never used. $25
“When I got home I didn’t have to go to the bathroom anymore.”
Spend less money. Cut down the clutter.
That is a good question, and some funny observations on the objects for sale. Seriously, though, are some people purchasing stuff subconsciously? The only other thing I can think of is that some of those for sale items are scams. Or maybe some are shoplifted? I can't think of any reasonable explanation.
Hi Robert,
I used to shop very impulsively - I saw something I wanted, I bought it.
After several years of paying the bills I became less impulsive. Now I'm a bit tight. (Ok, more than a bit!)
I think 'habit' has to be considered today too.
Malls and stores are attractive and enjoyable places to visit, people are in the habit of leaving the house (for the buzz? for something to do? they feel shut in or lonely otherwise?) and the wallet slips out of the back pocket or purse very easily once inside.
I think some of the sale items in the classifieds were gifts, or the result of impulsivity. I hadn't thought about shop-lifting but I bet that's some part of the reason there are so many 'new' items for sale.
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