Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fewer people are saving money for hard times ahead

According to businessbriefs in this morning’s edition of the London Free Press, ‘the number of Canadians (just over a third) contributing to a RRSP this year dropped to a 13-year low on concern about the recession.’

Come on, people.

Two-thirds of you have got to put some money away for the tough times around the corner.

(Truth be told, the paper didn’t say anything about ‘tough times.’ That one is on me. I’m not thinking flood or famine. I’m thinking another financial meltdown. Cheerful thought, eh?)

The paper also said, ‘Fewer Canadians started saving for retirement this year, as well... almost a third said they hadn’t yet begun putting any money aside.’

I repeat - come on, people.

Two-thirds of you have to wake up and smell the lack of coffee in your future.

What is it with people?

Debt (personal, provincial, federal) is growing while I speak and most Canadians are growing older (by the minute, I can feel it in my bones) without much of a safety net in place.

After Christmas, you better get crackin’.

Reduce spending, pay off debts, save money.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easily I assent to but I think the post should have more info then it has.