I paused, screw-driver in hand and wondered, should I make the hole a bit bigger?
["A lovely spot for a family of wrens": photos GAH]
After checking online, I discovered my 3/4 inch hole was a tad small. 7/8ths - 1 and 1/8th inch was recommended, depending on the wren one was hoping to attract.
I settled on 1 inch holes because that was the only sized spade I had in that range.
While re-attaching the house to the tree this morning, Megan, my next door neighbour, said that the tree looked beautiful. (Nothing about the brilliant craftsmanship re the birdhouse. Drat!)
Earlier in the week I had been worried about the tree. Blossoms had been coming on like gangbusters but the weather stayed cool and bees stayed home.
We both agreed the tree looked perfect today.
I hope the bees think so too. Apricot jam could be in my future!
The tree had been uprooted in its second year due to sewer work on the front lawn. I remember seeing it tossed aside after returning home from work years ago and replanted it, hoping it would do well.
Hardy beggars are trees, eh.
Do you have a tree in your yard you're particularly fond of?
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