I’m certainly not in favour of eating such foods as KFC’s new Double Down sandwich, or the Mr. Potatoskin Sandwich from midtown Mahattan’s Cer Té restaurant, and I don’t want other people to eat it as well, but there is no supreme power or authority invested in me to force restaurants to take terrible food off their menu or throw diners into a cell who show poor judgement.
["This label is sown onto my hockey pants. But I'm not the enforcer... yet": photo GAH]
Years ago I encouraged coffee drinkers to make a wise choice by making their morning brew at home, rather than going to a drive-thru (or walk into a restaurant with a travel mug in hand) and this is what one reader said to me:
“I don’t have to, I don’t want to, and I won’t.”
So there!
Terrible fast-food choices will continue to appear on menus, people will buy them and continue to do a lot of irreparable damage to their bodies.
Case in point:

["The Mr. Potatoskin Sandwich": link to photo and more information]
If you ate a Mr. Potatoskin for lunch - fried chicken breasts slathered with BBQ sauce, cheese and bacon, stuffed between two potato skins and served with a side of sour cream and chives - what good could come of that besides having to lie down all afternoon and do nothing?
While googling info re the Double Down, a tweeter said the following:
I guess u haven't looked at Hardee's menu lol. RT
In other words, there may be worse stuff out there at Hardee’s.
Maybe RT was referring to the 1,800 calorie, triple pattie, double-cheese and bacon burger that was all the rage a few years ago right after it came out.
Someone else tweeted the following:
KFC's Double Down grossing you out? Um... Yeah. Maybe this grilled cheese monstrosity is more your style.
Sorry, I didn’t catch a link to what or where the monstrosity was.
So, there is undoubtedly worse stuff out there than the Double Down, though I don’t know if you could do worse than the First KFC Double Down Challenge Of The Season (dealbreaker.com), about which RT added, no one who eats 5 DDs really "wins" in the end.
We will, however, have plenty of losers.
Maybe food police aren’t such a bad idea.
Please click here to read the exciting conclusion.
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