Quaker Co. may not make malted Muffets anymore because people have been lured away from their wholesome goodness (I know what I’m talking about) by every kind of sugar-coated cereal under the sun.
["I can find the blue ones; I want brown ones": photos GAH]
Sorry, I lied.
I’m certain, right now some guy in a lab coat is constructing a new breakfast cereal from bran or oats or wheat or corn or cheap, left-over beet greens and six kinds of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup and thereby banishing my round and malty shredded wheat to the trash bin of life in the morning.
It’s just not fair.
However, I could be wrong. (But I doubt it).
["Little round bales of shredded wheat - no sugar added. Years ago they were not wrapped in paper either. Cardboard was used as a divider inside the box. Mothers used the cardboard for grocery lists. Then we ate it. Nothing was wasted in the 1950s."]
If you ever spot malt-flavoured Muffets (they might be in a brown box) please let me know.
I’d like to buy a lifetime supply.
Oh, where are they?
I agree. They were different from what Quaker sells today. They had their own unique flavour. I have not seen them for years.
The only malt you find nowadays is in the form of beer (not a terribly bad thing) but nothing like a malted milkshake!
Thanks for visiting, BB. Still no Malted Muffets at the local store and I've become a 'toast and coffee guy'. I get my fix of malt from beer and Maltsers.
we uses to have malt muffins in the sixties, l didn't think they were sugar coated l love that cereal,,,,, anything good they take it of the market
Hi Velda, thanks for visiting. I miss malt muffetts and would eat them regularly if still produced. My mom liked the cardboard dividers between the stacks of muffetts, good for grocery lists. Good things turn to dust, unfortunately. Keep well.
Been looking forever myself! One of those growing up moments as a kid, when I realized I could taste the difference, and preferred them to regular Muffets, as well as any sweetened cereals. (About the same time I stopped putting sugar on my Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies too.)
So now, am left wondering - can I just buy "real" malt powder?
Thanks for visiting George. Next time I visit the New Sarum Diner I will ask the owner re malt. He has a sterling collection of milkshake machines and should know about the rise and fall of malt powder. I enjoyed listening to your audition for the Calgary Stampeders, and because of your connection to UWO, London and percussion, I must ask, Do you know Karen Pincombe, former percussionist with Orchestra London? Cheers, GH
Carnation makes Malted Milk Powder. Oh, how I miss those Malted flavoured Muffets.
OK, seriously.
PLEASE start a petition to bring them back.
If we hound them constantly, who knows????
Oh how I loved them. I have searched in Saskatchewan and Ontario. Fashion trends come back. I HOPE those delicious malted muffets appear again.
Hey, just found my old post doing yet-another Google search for Malted Muffets!
Yes, Karen and I crossed paths a few times at various percussion events. I did play with Orchestra London once for a two-night concert, but doubt she'd really remember me much. I was more into concert band/wind orchestra than string orchestra - usually a lot more percussion in those ensembles. I take it you two are friends?
Oh, any word form New Sarum Diner on malt?
I was visiting my blog this morning in order to add photos of a recent "beer tour" in Hamilton and came across two fairly recent comments related to Malted Muffets, the gift that keeps on giving. To 'unknown's' comment of April 15 2019: Thanks for visiting my old blog. I hope you're right, that the trend re malted muffets will appear again. My oldest son has inspired me to eat a bit of breakfast again (I swear, I only eat breakfast once per month because a pot of coffee usually gets me to noon, while I write!). Though I now lean toward oatmeal in yogurt w some fruit - and it's great - I'd give it all up for Malted Muffets : ) To George, May 8 2019: Thanks for your further details re Karen and your percussion events. Karen and I crossed paths many years ago re the London Food Bank. We sat on the same board of directors for many years, but I retired two years ago from that board to pursue my research and writing re WW2 and my Dad's Navy Days. I bet she is still on the board and teaching music to children... at the Food Bank. The New Sarum Diner is still one of my favourite pitstops (while motorcycling to Port Bruce) but no taste of the malt in that town anymore! (Though beer tours keep my taste for the malt alive!) Keep well!
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