‘Canadians will not get to enjoy Double Down’ says a newspaper clipping from the April 13 issue of the local Free Press.
After reading about what makes up a Double Down (it’s two pieces of bacon and two slices of cheese smothered with the Colonel's Sauce with two fried chicken patties as buns) I felt I should become a member of the Food Police and strike it from menus wherever it may be found, along with triple pattie burgers and anything else containing enough calories to scare buzzards off a gut wagon.

[Dear KFC - keep the DD out of Canada; we're already getting too big for our pants"]
For those who can’t believe what I’m saying and are warming up the car to drive to the nearest KFC for lunch, afternoon snack and supper combined in one huge sandwich, here is what the brief news clipping said:
"The Double Down is currently not available in Canada," the company said in a statement sent to QMI Agency. "KFC Canada closely monitors customer response to all international and U.S. product launches and continuously evaluates opportunities to test these new menu items in Canada."
I suppose if no one dies right away from eating the DD in the USA, it will appear in Canada in time for high school graduation festivities.
Good luck with your thighs, Canadian grads!
Repeat after me -
I solemnly swear I will never eat a Double Down. So help me pancreas (and all other internal organs).
I Googled this, expecting it would be an April fools gag. If it is, it's the most elaborate hoax I've ever seen.
Actually, I think my only objection would be the use of the word sandwich, which implies you can eat it with your fingers without getting them too greasy. Otherwise, its just a "Bucket o' Fried Chicken" without the bucket, plus some other stuff that's bad for you. Misleading marketing for bread lovers.
There's some debate re the number of calories, amount of salt and fat, etc. But bot the low and high estimates are pretty gruesome.
I'm guessing KFC Canada will market it some day and likely add more salt. We love our salt.
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