But next time I’m offered juice I’ll ask if it’s real juice or counterfeit cocktail.
450 ml of cranberry poppy-cocktail contains 63 grams of sugar and I wouldn’t be surprised if most of it is high fructose corn syrup, the cause of much of the fat in this great wide land of ours.
And in your cheeks, hips, waist, thighs, breasts, upper arms and butt.
[Grandson Jack asking, “That’s five times as much sugar as we need... right?”]
Did I miss anything?
Oh yeah. I think my love handles are full of the stuff.
(It’s definitely time for me to hit the recumbent bike. Hockey season starts in two months and my team needs me - really needs me.)
At the aforementioned restaurant I poured a small amount of my cocktail over a glassful of ice and later took home the rest. So did 3 of my 4 companions.
We drank the rest with lots of water while swimming in the afternoon.
Conclusion: Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, suga at suppa time is more than an innocent love song.
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