You’d say, amazing deal, right?
And what would you say if, after years of driving, I came back for my gallon of gas and it was still in the can I stashed in the trunk?
Impossible, you’d say.
Mais, non, bon ami.
It is possible - and you don’t have to drive Fred Flintstone’s car.
But you would have to drive an electric or alternatively fueled car.
I posted the above photo yesterday, asked “what is it” and mojo commented:
“I think it's called an EZ-Go. Last time I saw something like that was at a golf course.” [original post]
Well, if we can ride it around a golf course we should be allowed to drive it around a city.
Then it would be no more EZ-Come EZ-Go with our gas money.
Would you drive one?
Even electrics come at a cost in energy consumption and environmental impact. You gotta charge those batteries some way. No matter how we get around, there's going to be a cost. We'll never eliminate it (we've gone too far for that), but we can reduce it.
hi mojo,
thanks for your informed response.
i agree, there is no free lunch. [Barry Commoner, US environmentalist]
just smaller bites out of the environment with tiny, low or zero emission vehicles.
even bicycles have to be produced at a cost [CO2 emissions, degradation to land, air, water etc.] but in many cases those small costs can be recouped over time.
i'm in a perfect neighbourhood and city for a bike but my Miele isn't built like a work horse, so, once the reno is done, i'll pick up a used Raleigh.
and the EZ-Go is definitely an option once the Civic has outlived it's usefulness.
gord h.
Between this post and an article I read earlier today, I put a few thoughts on the subject out for consideration. I started to post it here but the comment was getting post-sized.
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