First, I had to agree to drive to Niagara Falls yesterday on short notice and on one of the heaviest traffic holidays in Canada.
Second, I had to turn right on the wrong seldom-used backroad near Smithville.
Third, when my passengers and I stopped to eat egg salad sandwiches in front of an abandoned building next to a used car lot (after I spotted the 1950 Chevy and did a U-turn in front of a truck loaded with chickens) the weather didn’t co-operate.
When safely parked I opened my car door, camera in hand, and it began to rain.
When I closed the door for another bite of egg salad the rain stopped.
I tried again - it rained. Closed the door - it stopped.
Open - rain. Close - stop.
Eventually the desire for photos drew me outside.
PS The car has issues but the owner still wants $12,000.
Is it worth it?
[Click here to see a 1964 VW]
Mmm... I have no clue what the current market value for a '50 Chevy might be regardless of condition, but I'd say it depends on what the "issues" are.
Mechanical is usually fixable and unless we're talking about an engine swap won't hurt the value of the car that much (i.e. all the numbers would still match). If the frame hasn't rusted in half and the sheet metal is sound... you've got something you can work with. Chances are you won't be driving it very much anyway.
i thought the condition was very good, mojo, and the issues were electrical.
then of course there are my own issues to deal with i.e. financing and explaining to my wife I'll have to extend our driveway.
yeah, i won't be driving it very much. sorry, or at all.
gord h.
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