Monday, August 4, 2008

It Strikes Me Funny: Small electric cars have a big place

While in Niagara Falls recently I spotted a car that struck my fancy.

I immediately wanted one.

Though I don’t know its name I do know there are two and three wheeled vehicles with similar styling as well.

Sure, I could walk or ride my Miele road bike more often but there are times when a tiny vehicle is needed to help me bring home more than a couple of bags of groceries and four-pak of Guinness. Or Kilkenny Irish cream ale as a change.

At any rate, London’s greenhouse gas emissions related to transportation are through the roof and, as Mayor of Wortley Village, I’d like to encourage anyone who drives a lot of miles inside an urban setting to consider trading in for something really small with very low emissions.

Like that car in Niagara Falls.

I know I’m in the market.

But does it have a name?

[And how can people be enticed to buy electric? Click here to comment.]



Mojo said...

I think it's called an EZ-Go. Last time I saw something like that was at a golf course.

G. Harrison said...

hi mojo,

a few of those, as part of an in-city package delivery service, would pay for themselves in short order i would think. great name for the company too; EZ - Come, EZ - Go.


gord h.