I wanted blueberries with my blueberry pancakes, nothing more.
Oh, yeah. And a glass of cranberry juice because that’s what the server at the Harmony Restaurant north of Fenelon Falls said she was serving.
But when the juice arrived it was actually cocktail and I’m smart enough to know there’s a difference - just not how much of a difference.
After reading the nutritional facts label and discovering how much sugar was in the bottle of cocktail, however, I figure the difference is somewhere between good health and a coronary.

[Closing in on a coronary bypass?]
I exclaimed in front of others, “What the heck? That’s a lot of sugar.”
Close your eyes and guess. Just take a stab.
How much sugar in a 450 ml bottle of cranberry cocktail?
10 grams? 20? 30? 40? 50? 60?
Someone might say, “Sixty? Get real, granddad.”
Yeah? Try this.
The label said 35g per... 250 ml serving.
Quick. Go grab a calculator. I’ll wait.
Stay tuned.
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