The ban on plastic water bottle sales instituted by London City Council was mentioned - more than once! - on CBC Radio’s national news.
While a hapless tourist was screeched in at a pub in St. John’s, Newfoundland and the countdown clock for the 2010 Winter Olympics in British Columbia struck ‘536 days to go’ a CBC announcer proclaimed the virtues of our ban at city-owned sites.
While 3 London’s councillors who voted against the ban crossed their hearts and hoped no one would die of thirst (“We’re getting sued again!? Sheeeiiittt!!”) Ottawa councillor Alex Cullen said he hopes his own city will revisit the issue "given London's example” and added:
"Anything we can do to reduce the amount of plastic bottles by having such a policy on city property I think is a good idea.”
Even local school boards will consider a similar ban in the fall. (link to London newspaper article)
Because of the tremendous uphill roll our city is experiencing, I believe now is a good time to tackle even more pressing environmental, social and physical issues.
Stay tuned.
[Read post below - free of charge - for more context]
did you draw the codfish yourself? and if so, do codfish have ruby red lips?
and thanks for letting me use your imac.
interested reader
dear reader,
yes, I drew the codfish myself.
and after getting screeched in the codfish has red lips and can dance with the house band.
gord h.
gord, sorry to come back to fish lips but do the lips of a cod become ruby red after it is screeched in or after you are screeched in?
dear confused,
i obviously wasn't as clear as I should have been.
the cod fish and I met while I was getting screeched in.
it swam up from behind the bar at Tim O' Tooleys and, as I recall, i was told I had to kiss it before I was an official islander.
it was then I noticed it had ruby red lips. and when the house band played Sea of Love it danced the jitterbug.
i'm back again. sorry.
about the Sea of Love thing; you're talking about the song that includes the following:
Do you remember
When we met
That's the day
I knew you were my pet
to me, that has always been a slow song.
and you're saying the codfish danced the jitterbug?
something's fishy.
please explain.
confused and bewildered
dear confused and bewildered,
okay, i see the conflict, but you're still not as confused now as i was at the time.
like, the cod came up from behind the bar at Tom O'Tooleys. was it on the floor before that or in a fish tank? i can't explain it. i never figured it out.
and though Sea of Love is a lovely slow song the codfish looked like it was doing the jitterbug. to me. on that night. in St. John's.
maybe you should get screeched in before you start asking so many questions.
gord h.
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