I said, “Wouldn’t they make lovely Christmas gifts?”
[Insulators for Christmas anyone?: Photo GAH]
Got her thinking, eh?
Small, inexpensive, reusable and she’d only have to give me one boost for all eight.
Then, just before my son and new daughter-in-law came to visit for a few days I put a couple of my oil paintings on a side table in the dining room.
“Wow. You did these?” asked Shelley.
My son dabbles in oil and acrylic a bit too and he looked at them pretty closely as well.
[My favourite barn, east of Kingston: Photo GAH]
Just the reactions I wanted to see.
If I can find a minute I’ll make a nice frame out of cedar scrap.
My Christmas shopping list just got shorter.
That painting is wonderful!
I admire this very much! (I just can't do architectural drawings or paintings with any good results.)
Excellent choice. They will love it. I know I would.
Very cool. I wish I had all your talents. I'm going off to think about what I can create / scavenge for Christmas gifts.
hi heidi, bobbie and jessie. (I noticed all three names are without capitals. who needs 'em, eh?)
thanks for your kind words.
while training for a marathon i passed the barn, really liked it, came back with a camera and painted the picture with my brother's help (a professional portrait painter) from the photo after i retired.
by reducing the number of old-ish paintings (2003) in the house I may be inspired to do new ones of recent interests.
e.g. porridge, corn, insulators!! sound good?
gord h.
Your son is an amazing artist. I'm deeply impressed. Got any other work of his to share?
The insulators are delightful. If you can assemble 8 of them, I'll take a set for Chanukah :)
Love the geometry of your photo, btw. It works beautifully.
New Thematic Photographic theme is up at my place. This week: happy. Got anything brewing?
hi carmi,
my youngest son Paul is very good indeed.
we have several of his paintings and they all are many steps above my oils of barns and horsies.
my oldest is very proud of his 'skinny trees' series of paintings but says his style needs time to develop.
when they retire we'll do a showing; skinny trees, barns and Spain.
What a fabulous painting. I think gift such as these are more heartfelt and mean more then a store boughte gift.
We went to the Oil Heritage Museum near Petrolia today adn I was able to see some of those insulators up close. I can see the attraction with their pretty colours and interesting shapes as well as being all sparkly and polished!
hi jesse,
just returned from a short holiday and saw a basketful of insulators at Restore in Bracebridge. $2.50 each. what a bargain, i thought, but didn't buy any. i have enough of the uncoloured variety.
now, the blue ones i'd like, so i may still climb a pole before the snow flies. Christmas is coming.
cheers, gord h.
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