“Are we in a recession yet? Is Canada recession proof? Do I dare look at my investment portfolio?”
And I admitted I do worry on occasion about personal finances but more so about our country’s course of Conservative action and its impact on millions of others.
Our PM’s desire to prop up “an old economy dependent upon cheap fossil fuels” [link to yesterday’s post for context] and inaction toward our troubled environmental life systems will sink more than my wallet.
theresa, @ pondering a myriad things said:
“It is all very worrisome, isn't it?”
“Some of the blogs I've been reading (Sharon Astyk, James Kuntsler, Nature Bats Last) for over a year now have talked a lot about this coming to pass, so it doesn't come as a complete surprise.”
“Nevertheless, it is scary to see your RRSP amounts decline daily, and to have absolutely no confidence in any level of government to do anything other than just 'spin' things more and more to keep everyone in a state of denial.”

["Strip away the old."]
“Some days I wish it would all just collapse already, so we can start over, before all the air and water are poisoned. And to think these things in the oblivious bubble province that is Alberta, makes things all the more surreal.”
Her last comment makes me ask, would a recession be just what the doctor ordered - over the long term?
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