He should listen to Mother Nature as closely.
She packs quite a clout when it comes to our environmental and economic health and proves the two components of healthy living cannot be separated.
This just in:
Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, says hurricanes hurt its September results in the U.S., causing same-store sales to be lower than analysts predicted. [yesterday - Associated Press]
Don’t reach for a hanky.
Though ‘341 stores were temporarily closed because of hurricanes’ W-M still made a truckload of money.

[Courtesy photo link]
(None of it from me. I’ve been Wal-Mart free for over 8 years.)
Excessive consumerism, excessive mass-production (Do you really need a plastic Elvis?), excessive reliance on fossil fuels, increased carbon, increased degradation of life-support systems (air, water, land), climate change and instability, higher numbers of hurricanes, less profit for Wal-Mart.
Such an ugly cycle for the sake of (for so many) an indebted-lifestyle.
Will Capt. Harpie listen? Change course?
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