But our government, like many in other wealthy countries, makes it harder everyday as it imposes a Market First economic model (vs Sustainability First) upon Canadians.
How do I know our government is a slave to Market First?
This from Saturday’s London Free Press:
Question to Finance Minister Flatulence - “You and your Prime Minister have said we must stay the course and cannot interfere in the market.”
Answer - “The sustainability of the manufacturing sector in Ontario depends on increased productivity.”

[Water pollution: photo link]
I would have asked a follow-up question - “Mr. Flatulence, how has the goal of increasing productivity, as if without limits, worked out so far for Canadians and their environmental life-support systems?”
This from The Little Green Handbook by Dr. Ron Nielsen (see Recommended Reading in right margin):
Market First is a market-driven future based on an assumption of an almost unlimited ecological capacity to support global development and industrialization.
Sustainability First requires a radical change in our behaviour, reflected in selfless care for one another and dedication to the environment.
Which model holds the most promise for those pursuing the simple life?
I think there must be something in the air...I was compelled to post in a similar manner today. Minister Jim Flatulence - too funny! Hopefully that's not what's in the air!
The better question might be "which holds the most promise for pursuing life of any kind." Because simple or otherwise, if sustainability doesn't become a driving force in the economic picture, there will be no life left on this planet to pursue.
BlogBlast for Peace - 11.6.2008
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