When I bumped into Leslie Garrett, author of The Virtuous Consumer (see Read This in margin), after a hockey game several months ago I blurted:
I read an excellent quote of yours online the other day.
It went something like ‘the best purchase you’ll ever make is the one you don’t make.’
Good one.
She informed me that that was news to her.
[Always on the look-out: Photo GAH]
Not that it wasn’t her quote (it was and actually read "the greenest products are the ones you don't buy") but that someone was quoting her without her knowing about it.
Leslie and I trained for long distance races a few years ago and shared a bit about our writing tasks to pass the time.
She was publishing well-received childrens’ books and I was sending out brilliant weekly columns that prompted an occasional email e.g. this testy one from Pearl S.
Today she continues to write and is on local radio promoting a wiser form of consumption than we’re used to considering in North America.
She later gave me a copy of her book and I must admit it was a very good read.
Tune in to a short book review in next week’s column. (Link to this week's earthy article)
Now that I’ve finished Leslie’s book I’m ready for another - with a green lean to it.
Any suggestions?
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