I’ll email Louise today and thank her for her interest in my column.
She not only read it this week but invited me to her garage.
And it’s not everyday someone does that, to look over 30 years worth of flotsam and jetsam before it goes to the dump.
I’ll also tell her I’ll let Don, my friend and fellow dump diver, know about her offer (see post below).
If Don wants to go then I’ll go.

If he doesn’t want to go I think I’ll pass on the visit too.
I don’t mind turning into my father and going to a dump on occasion in order to rescue and reuse old lumber.
But I don’t want to look through another person’s garage.
Though I am looking for the perfect job, I don’t think garage diving is it.
The words “Hi, my name is Gord and I’m here to snoop through your garage” would never come easy.
Unless I ran a flea market or second hand shop and had to pay rent.
I think I'd do it then.
Resolved: Email Louise. Say thanks.
Then see what Don says.
If he wants to go I'll do a Part 3.
If you were Don, what would you say?
That depends - if you're going to re-vamp the stuff and then pass it on - like the lumber you collect -then I'd say yes. But if it's going to sit in your garage for 30 years, then I'd say no. I'm trying to get my husband to sort through his, ahem, treasures with a view to reducing them. So if he were to come back with even more ..... well, let's say it wouldn't be pretty!
I hear you, jesse.
I have a weakness for "stuff" and need to dispose of many, many items before can consider searching thru someone else's treasures.
I know why de-cluttering has become a well-paid job for some.
gord h.
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