Coffee in the morning at The Roaster, a newspaper and easy conversation with my wife (“Gord, how do these jeans look to you?” is way too tough) to start the day.
Later on, an hour or two in the workshop (turning free lumber into something relatively useful), a short ride on the motorcycle, a good book.
All of the above can be accomplished with pocket change.

From more than one interviewed travel writer in the book A Sense of Place (see Recommended Reading in right margin) came the words:
“Most people on the planet just want to have a decent job and home and take care of their family.”
Simple goals for the simple life.
Have the majority of Earth’s citizens ever met that goal?
Is it getting easier or harder?
My thoughts:
Many governments in the wealthiest of countries will try to maintain healthy economies, to keep the dream alive, but will continue to follow the wrong course and block more and more citizens from achieving the simple life.
The wrong course - a Market-First economy (as opposed to a Sustainability-First model).
We need to know the difference, and soon.
Do you know the difference?
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