Thursday, October 29, 2009

From the Workshop: Trim needs one more coat...

and then I can apply bits of it to eight birdhouses and clean up for an upcoming shed night, a time when problems of the world get solved - often in a creative fashion.

Red boxes get yellow trim and visa versa. White bits go on green. Green on white.

Should make the sturdy boxes, with a lifetime of 25 years at least, stand out from the crowd.

Next week, I’ll attempt a new birdhouse design that came to me while planning (in my head) a bunkie for my son’s property. A model birdhouse - done in a creative fashion - might just sell him on the idea that his ol’ man is ahead of some kind of curve.

["Rescued cedar, already cut for never-before-seen birdhouse design": photos GAH]

What kind?

I’ll ask friends at the next shed night.


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