Sunday, October 11, 2009

Link and Learn: Any wonder why 42% of mainlanders suffer on PEI?

While on The Bruce recently [click here for brilliant photos] I discovered a spot that only serves real fries, not those fake ones from PEI that come in a plastic bag.

Yummy. (Step aside. I’m home now and need to make my way to the treadmill).

Upon checking my Faceburn account I noticed a friend had added a note about ‘the parma,’ a potato and fixins feast that vies for top spot on the ‘a larger portion would surely kill you’ list.

The parma is right up there with a dish from PEI called 'the works.'

Def’n; the works - world-famous PEI fries smothered in a truck load of gravy, corn, meat and more.

The plate fills the table.

Islanders are used to it.

However, 42% of mainlanders don't make it off the island without full on medical assistance.


Feeling Brave? Tell me what you’ve discovered or eaten that compares.

And now, back to the treadmill.


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