Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It Strikes Me Funny: Why did I say what I said?

Yeah, I’m a bad boy. I played one of my old depressing songs again in my weekly column.

I wrote:

“Maybe, due to Teflon, our (economic) fundamentals aren’t as good as many say and a rebound is several more months away.

“And maybe, due to other factors (not at all as mysterious as Teflon), the recession won’t end for a few more years.”

Why, oh why don’t I just leave the government or economists alone, let them say what they want to say and go play hockey with my fifty-plus pals?

["Why shouldn't we be saving money?"]

Because I’m a realist. Governments want consumers to be confident so they’ll spend lots of money, some on political parties. Economists (many on a bank’s payroll) want you to be doubly confident so you’ll spend twice as much money as you usually do. And why?

That’s what keeps them in business. If you spend and borrow money then the economy (chiefly based on the buying of STUFF) keeps rolling and they keep their jobs.

If they tell you to spend less, save money and pay off debt then their jobs get to be a little shaky.

That’s where I come in.

Reduce your spending. Save your money. Pay off your debts. Maintain a lifestyle you and the planet can actually afford.

Don’t like it? Vote me out of office. Or sue me. Or both.

["So sue me": photo by JHarrison]


Actually, I think taking me to court would be a big waste of time.

Though it would make a good column. For which I’d likely get paid.


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