Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Live Small: Are Canadians driving less with higher gas prices?

[“With the price of gas above US a gallon, there are signs that Americans are cutting back on driving even though the economy is improving.” Apr. 12, Metro London]

During my first motorcycle ride of the season on Saturday I rode through the village of Sparta.

I noticed three things while there:

British bunting still festooned a local coffee shop in honour of Will and Kate

The main intersection smells like a strong perfume (Strawberry candles may have been on sale nearby)

Gas was priced at $1.37 per liter.

Several thoughts crossed my mind, in the following order, when I saw the price of gas:

My tank holds 17 liters

A tank will cost 17 x $1.37 = at least 30 per cent more than last year

I may have to ride less often or travel fewer miles per trip


By the time I reached Dexter Line I was wondering how long it would take to ride a bicycle the 62 km. to Port Bruce.

["I could ride a bicycle... But, to Port Bruce?": photo GH]

About 4 hours I suspected. Then I’d have to pedal back. Going to the lake for coffee could tire me out. And I getting older. I may soon have to come up with alternative pleasures closer to my home turf.

I wonder. What could I do? What are my options?

Have you been thinking along the same lines as costs of fuel and groceries and other commodities rise?

Are you already driving fewer miles in order to conserve fuel?


Please click here to read Live Small and Prosper.


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