I don’t think I’ll run anymore marathons (thirteen, including Boston, feels about right to me), though more half-marathons may be in my future.
While sorting out my running goals, i.e., to have any long-distance goals at all, or not, I’ll continue to read and ride and play hockey every week.
Being a guy who likes to keep stats (I’m knee deep in old running logs) I keep track of how many miles I ride on my recumbent bike and run on the treadmill (which I’ll get back too once the belt is repaired).
For example, I’ve logged 1093.1 riding miles in the last 11 weeks, or an average of 99.4 miles per week. In the same time period I played 20 hockey games.
(Easy schmeasy, so far. I read while I ride. One on One by Peter Mansbridge is very interesting. Saving Planet Earth by Tony Jupider is enlightening as well).
["Next up - What They Didn't Tell You in the Sixties"]
When the treadmill is fixed my weekly average should hit 108 - 110 miles, but until that time I’ll try to bring up my average to 100-plus.
That’s not my only ‘fun and fitness’ goal, however.
I also want to buck the trend, and NOT start taking 5 or more prescription medications once I reach 65-years of age, as 67% of Canadian seniors are now doing.
Just on its own, I don’t think my $200 exercise bike will help me reach my goal.
My diet must change somewhat and I need to not only tighten my own belt but fix the one on the treadmill so I can walk/jog/shuffle on a regular basis too.
Can I dodge 5 or more prescriptions?
Advice welcomed.
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