I saw a bottle of Dead Elephant at a local LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario), it raised an immediate question (“What parts do they use?”), the bottle was sitting beside Iron Spike beer, I knew the two beers came from the same brewery in St. Thomas, Ontario, and I’d sampled Iron Spike when it was early days for the brewery and didn’t really like it.
I’ll rephrase: I really didn’t like it.
So I looked at other offerings on the LCBO shelves.
Within 10 seconds I looked back at the colourful Dead Elephant label and wondered if I should give the young brewery and female brewmaster another chance.
["Only one Dead Elephant in the house. Drat!": photos GAH]
Though I had to part with $3.40 for a 500ml bottle, I’m really glad I did.
I caught the smell of burnt caramel off the foam, lovely citrus flavors from my first sip and immediately tipped my hat in the direction of Railway City Brewing Co. in St. Thomas, and Jumbo, the elephant that died many, many years ago near the town’s railway tracks so that it could be served up later in nice-sized brown bottles.
(The strong of heart may visit the brewery’s website to view the story of Jumbo’s tragic death @ www.railwaycitybrewing.com)
The elephant is immortalized in a strong ale (6.5% alc./vol.) with a clear, pale orange colour and receives a compliment in my notes, i.e., “it’s chompy” and “lovely, lovely.”
Those who like Tankhouse Ale from the Mill St. Brewery will recognize a few similar flavours - hoppy, citrusy, sour - in milder form.
I allowed the last half of the bottle to warm up while I cycled for an hour and enjoyed that half as much as the first.
["Gord's gourd w living elephant beside Dead Elephant"]
In other words, it was still just as chompy.
Because I feel a few nicely balanced flavours provide a satisfying mouthful I would gladly buy it again and recommend it to others.
Please click here to read my last beer review, re Bucanero Fuerte, and visit Searching For a Fine Beer in lower right margin for all reviews.
Let me know of a beer you would like to recommend.
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