I don’t think there’s anything much special about that date anymore, now that I’ve just completed my first short ride of the 2010 season almost a month earlier.
Note to self: Jot down ‘March 9, 2010’ in a place that I’ll remember. This could be my earliest start ever.
["I don't mind the snow on the ground but I need warmer gloves": photo GAH]
I must admit I didn’t ride very far. Though I wore a pair of red long johns and a leather coat I got chilled while on the highway.
Note to self: You might want to buy warmer leather gloves.
At any rate, the bike started right up in the parking lot near my storage site and as I rode east from London for a few miles, up- and down-shifting like an old pro, enjoying every smooth and guttural sound from the bike, I said to myself that 2010 is going to be a stellar year for biking.
It will make up for last year, for sure.
On your bike yet?
Riding like an old pro?
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