["2,168 kms. in 5 days. Very doable.": photos GH]
If I leave London by 10 a.m., travel at an average speed of 80 km./hr. and allot 2 hours for lunch and stretching breaks, I’ll arrive at Sqweeks House in Kingston by 6:10 p.m.
I’ll therefore be eating a late supper and have to limit myself to one pint of Dragon’s Breath Real Ale at the Kingston Brewing Co. (I’ve heard it can have negative affects on one’s brain if too many pints are swallowed).
On Day 2 I travel around, not through, Montreal, Que. and get to Trois Rivieres just before 6 p.m.
As soon as I enter the hostel I’ll do my little ‘I have to go to the bathroom so bad dance’ and warm people up with my high school French.
“Excuse moi. Ou est le chapeau?” I’ll say.
I’m sure everyone will get what I mean.
While travelling toward Riviere du Loup on Day 3 (a relatively mild 340 km. away) I’ll practice more important French phrases.
["Be ready for 3 million postcards from the side of the road"]
E.g., “Ou est le thing-me?” - while holding a can of beans in one hand and rotating the other sans can opener.
“Ou est Nouveau Brunswick?”
Personally, I think folks in Riviere du Loup and Saint Louis du Ha! Ha! will be as happy as me that I reach Fredericton on Day 4.
One of my travel goals is to take secondary roads that run parallel to the Trans-Canada Highway as often as possible, e.g., from Grand Falls to Woodstock, N.B.
That way I get to see a bit of countryside at a comfortable speed and cross Canada’s longest covered bridge about 25 km. before pulling into Woodstock for lunch (or mid-afternoon coffee and ginger snap break).
Yup, I’ll really be living it up on my way to Halifax.
I’ll pack two cameras and five camera cards. Be ready for 3 million photos after I get back.
I find it interesting to see where you are thinking of stopping. My parents are driving down that way again this summer to revisit family(and hoping my so and I will join them) and my dad is planning hotel stops along the way. Safe journies to you and a wonderful visit!
On a side note, somewhere back in history we're related as my mom was a Harrison before she married.
Hi Iris,
Thanks for your visit.
I think my rusty French will cause confusion and delays in Trois Rivieres and Riviere du Loup, but it can't be helped. What do your parents say re the need for French language skills?
re the Harrisons. I've learned that both my grand-parents on the Harrison side arrived via Halifax; grandmother Alice Chilmers - a Bernardo girl - stepped ashore at Pier 21 (a few blocks from the HI hostel) and grandfather Roland Harrison joined the navy in England while underage and stole ashore once in Canada.
Cheers to all Harrisons and their humble beginnings!
It all sounds like some kind of Awesome, Gord. I wish I was going, too - so I'll be looking forward to your pics. Bonne Chance!
Hi Crazylegs,
I think it will hit me, halfway to Kingston on Day 1, that I'm on the adventure of a lifetime.
Right now I just want good weather and the wee boat to float when I drop it into a neighbour's pool tomorrow!!
Yeah, 3 million pics. be ready.
Gord H.
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