For those who think the motorcycle trip to Halifax will be hard work, allow me to say, you’re right.
["Three coats of varnish - done; more birdhouses - done": photos GH]
4,300 km., 15 days away, 11 of those days on the bike, 4 days in towns that may force me to use my rusty French language skills (“Excuse. Ou est le chapeau?”), 4 days with distances of over 450 km. to cover before stepping off the bike and carrying luggage into a hostel.
But once I’ve parked the bike for the night, my legs and behind will hopefully come to life long enough to enable me to find a comfortable pub/restaurant for supper and journal writing and samples of real ale. (Reasonable facsimiles will be welcomed on occasion).
Upcoming assignments:
Attach walnut plaque to the boat (three coats of varnish have been added).
Attach name plates to sides of the boat.
["I like packing luggage; this year, no camping gear!"]
Pack my luggage. Buy groceries. Pack groceries. Change the oil.
Six more sleeps.
Watch out for that Dragon's Breath! It rendered my husband insensible for half the next day.....
Thanks for the heads up, Jess.
Only one then.
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