And one family has a pool and didn’t mind letting me toss SS Silver Walnut into the briny seas this afternoon.
By gosh - I was elated! The cedar craft, with three coats of paint and three coats of spar varnish (Sorry. Super Spar Varnish!) sat up high in the water and floated almost a straight line before tilting to one side.
["It leans a bit, but that's an easy fix": photos GH]
Okay. The keel needs to be heavier and deeper. An easy 30-minute fix or add-on, in my humble opinion.
["Supportive neighbours. Not too excited maybe... but supportive"]
But... and this is the important part... it has a quality about it that will be appreciated by leading seaman the world over - it floats!! Just like it knows what it’s doing.
However, will SS SW cross the Atlantic ahead of the BP oil that keeps pouring into the Gulf?
["Last chance to hug a shoreline. Now... get out there"]
(The Gulf of Mexico is the source of the Gulf Stream is it not?)
Now, that problem I cannot fix. I’ll just have to get good weather and stay ahead of the slick.
Did you think the boat would float or sink?
Do we have some people of little faith out there?
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