(Oh, FYI: I arrived home safely Monday night. Thanks for asking. A few words about my homecoming are posted here.)
So, want to see another five photos (out of 200 for the day)?
Day 2 - Wednesday, June 9
Destination - Trois Rivieres, Quebec.
Estimated mileage - 467 km.
Gord’s mileage - 497 km.
Why the 30 km. difference? I took a wrong turn in Hawkesbury, Ontario and got lost north of Montreal, Quebec. Not a stellar performance but no real harm done. I got to use my longest French phrase, i.e., ou est mon chapeau rouge?
[“I left Kingston and rode on the 1000 Island Parkway. Very peaceful. I saw all 1000 islands”: photos GH]
[“I had real biker food for lunch, i.e., the chili combo. Ouch.]
[“I took a break between highway 138 and the St. Lawrence R. in Quebec.”]
[“A hedge shares a French phrase. Maybe the location of mon chapeau??”]
[“Part of the view from my balcony in Trois Rivieres. Churches were everywhere.”]
I didn't send an email message home or post on the blog while in Trois Rivieres. The hostel computer and I were unable to communicate. However, I had one of my best sleeps in a long time in Room P.
Please click here to view a few educational photos from Day 1.
Please click here to read more about the trip.
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