I’ll insulate the oven with wool from one or two of my old sweaters. There’s that bulky one I seldom wear.

["Just dreamin'. I haven't built it yet.": photo link]
And hinges? I’ve got spare hinges downstairs in the basement tool cupboard.
Cookware? I could use one of our old casserole dishes.
Food? I guess I’ll have to buy food until my garden comes to the rescue... unless I swipe some from the kitchen while grandson Ollie distracts my wife.
OK, even though we’ll always have to buy groceries, I’ll feel lunch is free if I use solar power alone.
For a review of different types of solar cookers click here.
BTW. Does anyone know at what temperature bulky wool sweaters spontaneously burst into flames? Not that I’m worried. I haven't built it yet.
Hi-Ya Gord! Been a long time, I know...too long. I've been enjoying your thoughts on solar ovens. I've always wanted a cob oven myself.
Oh and, I loved your cartoon of the Fat Economy...so true!
Hi Myshell,
Long time no see - as we say In Canada.
I received a comment from someone recently whom I felt should search your archives. About what? I forget. But you were the perfect link, in my opinion.
And after a hockey game recently I talked to another biker and told him about an author who motorcycled through Twin Falls and your story about a relative w a connection to Evil Knievel's body guard. Small world, for sure.
I hope you, Lance and the girls are doing well.
Also, 'cob oven' is a term I haven't heard. Once I've built my gumbo cooker we'll compare notes.
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