Especially ilk. (Just sounds so ilky).
Unless I’m asked to retell the story of my hastily conceived and brilliantly played spinnerama goal during last year’s hockey wars. [See spinnerama; comes with its own diagram. I’ll wait.]
And unless a hockey story comes along that makes me think - like ‘Sean Avery’s Second Chance.’
Does Sean - motor mouth, immature brain, unsound judgement - deserve a second chance?

In my opinion, yes.
I’ve been given more than my fair share of second, third and last chances in my lifetime (and I’m still not finished making mistakes, I bet).
He should get at least a second chance too, along with clear information about future expectations. (That sort of thing helps a lot).
Coach Tortorella said of Avery, "If he just keeps that concentration and continues to just worry about playing and not the other stuff, he can do the things he has been doing for the hockey club. He has been outstanding in trying to keep that concentration, but it has to be all of the time. We don't want any cracks."
So, no more cracks and Sean could have a banner year, based on hard work and good use of his hockey skills.
How many second chances have you been given?
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