Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency recently because his state - one of North America’s largest fruit and vegetable gardens - is running out of water.

[Link to detailed post and photo]
Urban water agencies are urged to reduce water use by 20 per cent and mandatory conservation could follow.
Why am I enlisting my help?
If I plant a Victory garden this summer as planned (see right margin - Green Ideas 2009) I can reduce my dependence on lettuce, tomatoes, corn, strawberries etc. that are grown in the vast, heavily-irrigated and -fertilized gardens of California.
If I put local produce on my plate then mandatory conservation can be delayed.
Is mandatory conservation around the corner for more North Americans?
I live in Reno a city that shares our Lake Tahoe water with Northern California.
During a drought a few years ago both California and Nevada was on water restrictions.
We could only water our lawns twice a week, toilets weren't flushed ("If it's yellow let it mellow. If it's brown flush it down"), showers were shared or ignored.
After one good winter suddenly California's drought restrictions were gone.
Nevada's were still in effect.
We still have restrictions on watering lawns. Twice a week!
Hi Twinkelydots,
I saw a documentary recently re low water levels in some of the western states and I think California's economy(among others), related to crop growing, is going to go through tough times or changes. We northerners rely too heavily on your produce and may see gardens spring up around every corner in the next few years.
Keep well,
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