And for Canadians (count me in), the pain will go on and on and on and...

Consider the following:
“Canada will fare better but may take longer to emerge from the longest and deepest global recession since the Second World War.” [The Canadian Press, March 26]
So, wake up Canada, your toothache (conceivably) won’t hurt as bad as many of your global friends but will last longer. Youch.
(And...) "This is the deepest and longest world recession in the postwar era," said Nigel Gault, a chief economist in the U.S. "The global depth and reach of this downturn makes it much more difficult for any individual country (e.g. Canada) to pull out because there's such a drag coming from the rest of the world."
So, an individual or country may try to brush regularly, floss before going to bed and reduce the intake of sweets but will find "we're all in this together."
(When have we ever had such global unity?)
Can we individually and collectively agree to reduce our intake of all things material?
Our teeth will last longer.
Who is in charge of global reductions of sweets?
Which countries or organizations should be leading the way toward a healthier lifestyle?
However, I also read in the Globe and Mail that those of us with secure jobs(public service)actually benefit from a recession. The interest on my line of credit is almost non-existant, I am enjoying the current, albeit temporary, reduction in the price of gas, and by tightening my belt along with everyone else am socking away more than ever in savings. I'm not saying it's good for the country (or auto workers) but it's not too bad for some of us.
Hi Jane,
I don't think economists and governments (esp. Conservative ones) like deflation, or lowering of prices.
Some believe in continuous progress, as if there really aren't limits to our growth. With the market first economy in tatters, there are deals to be had.
Deals - you should see my new blue jeans!! (new, as in used, and new to me!)
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