Call them delusional if you wish, with their heads in the clouds, but I like how many people, though generally concerned about the state of the economy (the recovery hasn’t started quite yet, has it?), still think that their natural surroundings have to be in healthy shape if they’re to have any future at all.
Put me in that group. Backing the underdog has always held some type of appeal.
["Natural surroundings have to be in healthy shape": photo GAH]
“Just under half of Canadians say serious action on climate change must wait until after the recession, while 57 per cent say Canada should take action on climate change right now, even if it means higher deficits.” [Ipsos Reid]
Though I’m not wild about deficits, I’m pretty sure a healthy environment will pay dividends in the long-term. An economy that supports excessive lifestyles - not so much.
Perhaps in 5 - 10 more years we’ll have the size of economy (and subsequent lifestyle) we can healthily sustain and afford.
Downsizing, or working toward the simple life are not negative pursuits, are they?
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